In locations as humid as San Antonio, mold and water damage are serious concerns, especially for carpets. Anything from water tracked in on a rainy day to flood waters seeping in under the doors can cause mold to grow, ruining your carpets and possibly the subflooring that lies beneath them. If you act quickly, however, you can save your carpets and save yourself a good amount of money — because carpet replacement can get expensive quickly! No matter how large or small the water damage, start with these steps to save your carpets:
#1. Remove The Water
The first step in protecting your carpets should be a no-brainer. First, figure out where the water is coming from and stop it, if possible. It may not be possible if your neighborhood is flooding, but you can shut off your home’s water if the problem is a burst pipe. Once the flow of water has stopped, it’s important to remove as much of the water as you can, and to do so as soon as possible. Try a wet/dry vacuum or a steam cleaner set to suction only.
However, it’s important to point out that the type of water damage matters. Storm water and a burst pipe that carries clean water is generally salvageable. If the water is from a backed up toilet or sewage drain, even professional carpet cleaning services may not be enough to sanitize them.
#2. Dry The Area
Set large fans around the affected area to help it dry faster. The sooner the carpet dries, the less likely it is to develop mold. However, the San Antonio area isn’t all that dry, so you shouldn’t rely on nature to do the drying for you. Help it along with fans, or better yet, rent an industrial blower. The cost will be a lot less than the expense of replacing your carpets.
#3. Dehumidify The Room
Again, humidity is an ever-present thing in San Antonio. Unfortunately, warm, humid environments encourage mold growth so fans or a blower probably won’t be enough to dry your carpets out. A dehumidifier will help dry out the space, which will go a long way toward preventing mold growth in the carpet and the padding underneath.

#4. Clean The Carpets
Once everything has been thoroughly dried out, it’s time to get your carpets back to clean. A steam cleaner is a good start, but after a storm or a burst pipe, your carpets can harbor any number of different types of bacteria or debris. Professional carpet cleaning services use specialized cleaners that break down the dirt and gunk that gets trapped in the carpet fibers. A household steam cleaner is good for everyday messes, but it doesn’t provide a deep enough clean. After water damage, it’s important to thoroughly sanitize the affected area.
If you’ve experienced a recent water disaster, let the professionals help you bring your carpets back to life. Contact the Steam Master Cleaning & Restoration team for professional carpet cleaning services across San Antonio.