We all know that cleaning stone and marble can be a tricky process. There’s no shortage of risks and warnings associated with your delicate floors and countertops. There’s good reason for this, as certain stones can easily scratch, so using abrasive cleaners can leave your floors and countertops looking worn and dull. No one wants that.
Luckily, Steam Master Cleaning & Restoration is here to help. Not only we do offer world-class carpet cleaning services to the San Antonio area, but we also offer a whole range of other services, including cleaning and polishing stone and marble. We are the professionals you can trust. As important as it is to get regular professional cleanings (more about that soon), it is equally essential that you take care of your floors with regular maintenance as well. That is what we will be looking at in today’s blog. So, join us as we explore some important steps for effectively (and safely!) cleaning and polishing your stone and marble. And, as always, be sure to contact Steam Master Cleaning & Restoration for all your carpet cleaning services in San Antonio!

Know Your Stone
First things first: knowing what kind of stone you’re dealing with. Stone and marble are often talked about as two different entities, though, technically, marble is itself a type of stone. Marble is a metamorphic form of limestone that has goes through a process of recrystallization through heat or pressure to achieve its dense crystalline structure that allows for the possibility of a uniform, polished surface. Clearly, this is a very broad definition and, indeed, this part of marble’s appeal. It’s a favorite of contractors due to its versatility. It’s a common stone found in floors, countertops, fireplaces, bathrooms, and other areas of the home.
So, what are some of the common types of stone marbles you might come across? Popular forms of marble include:
- Calacatta
- Carrara
- Statuary
- Crema marfil
- Emperador
Of course, that’s just the tip of the boulder. There are many other varieties, and each one comes with its own unique properties and look. On top of that, marble floors can have all sorts of finishes. And with unique properties and finishes, comes unique cleaning standards. Be sure to reach out to the pros with questions about your specific stone. However, let’s take a look at some practices that apply generally.
Be Careful With Store-Bought Cleaning Products
Though you want to cater to the specifics of your stone, it’s generally a good idea to avoid store-bought cleaners on your marble, regardless of what kind. This is because store-bought products are often packed full of harsh and corrosive chemicals like acids and alkalis. This can be detrimental to the natural stone’s permeable structure, leading to discoloration and the loss of strength and lifespan of your marble.
Now, this doesn’t apply to every store-bought cleaner. What really matters is that you find solvents that are mostly neutral and won’t be too harsh. You will want some sort of solvent, as just plain water usually won’t do the trick.
Protect It from Heavy and Abrasive Materials
It certainly won’t come as a surprise to anyone that heavy and abrasive materials can cause damage to your marble. Still, how are you supposed to avoid heavy objects on your marble floors? Are you supposed to just have a bare floor with no furniture or appliances? Of course not! The key is taking appropriate precautions.
When it comes to heavy furniture and appliances, you won’t want to have them in direct contact with your marble floors. A protective barrier — such as a quality rug — can make a huge difference. And under no circumstances should you drag your furniture across the bare floor. Similarly, protect your stone from scratches by only using materials that are designed specifically for delicate stone. Use branded cleaners designed specifically for the cleaning of marbles instead of opting for harsher substitutes that could permanently discolor your marble tiles.
Contact the Pros
Lastly, one of the most important steps to maintaining your stone and marble is to work with the professionals. Not only can we help answer any of your questions, but regular polishing and cleaning will keep your marble looking beautiful. Check out our Stone & Marble Floor Cleaning page to learn more, and contact Steam Master Cleaning & Restoration for all of your home cleaning — from carpet cleaning services and stone polishing to air duct cleaning and more.