How often do you think about the quality of the air you’re breathing? The heat in San Antonio can mean that you have the AC running a majority of the time, and we don’t blame you. But just because the air is cool, doesn’t mean it’s clean. Take a moment to take down the miscellaneous appliances and random kitchen items from your refrigerator and wipe a white cloth along the top. Then look at the now brown, dusty cloth and the remaining dust and grime that is still on the top of your fridge. There is a good chance that the dust, grime, and general ickiness that is on your fridge is also inside your air ducts.
For carpet cleaning services, air duct cleaning, upholstery cleaning, hardwood floor, and other home cleaning maintenance, contact the professionals at Steam Master Cleaning.

When should you have your air ducts cleaned?
If it’s been awhile since you’ve had your ducts cleaned, it’s fairly simple to determine if it’s time. Open up a few of the ducts and take peek inside. Using a flashlight, if there is a layer of dust and grime on the walls of the ducts, it’s time to hire a professional air duct cleaner. There are also a few circumstances where it’s important to have your ducts cleaned.
- If you have several pets who shed frequently
- Before you move into a new home
- If there has been damage to the HVAC system after a fire or a flood
- If there is someone who smokes indoors
- Any evidence of rodents or an animal infestation in your home
- There is someone who struggles with asthma or allergies
If you’re thinking that it’s probably not worth having the ducts cleaned. That it’s just one more thing to put on the cleaning to-do list. Here are some benefits to having them regularly cleaned.
- Creates a clean living environment: When air is flowing and dust is present, it’s easy for the dust in your ducts to end up in your carpet, on your couches, lamp shades, bookshelves, and more. Getting rid of this additional duct dust can make cleaning around the home easier.
- Reduces allergens: If there is anyone in your home who struggles with seasonal or year-round allergies or asthma, you know how important it is to have a dust-free space. Cleaning the ducts will remove micro-organisms including pet dander, bacteria, pollen, mildew, and mold spores.
- Eliminates pet odors and smells: Smells from pets, cleaning products, paint, mold, smoking, and food preparation can all settle in the ducts. Then, when the AC is turned on, these smells will flow through your home. Cleaning the ducts will remove the musty, recurring scent.
- Helps air flow: When you have a cold, it’s difficult to breathe out of your nose, right? When ducts have a heavy layer of dust and grime built up, it’s difficult for the ducts to breathe – for the air to flow efficiently. This could lead to the system having to work harder to cool or heat your home.
If you don’t want to worry about having the ducts cleaned regularly, there are some things that can be done to prevent build up in the vents. However, dust and grime will build up eventually, so be sure to have a reliable cleaning service to call when it’s time. Here are some tips to prevent build up.
- Purchase a high-quality air filter: Air filters are all fairly inexpensive, and getting one that is just slightly more expensive can make a big difference. Opt for purchasing an air filter at a local hardware store rather than a grocery store.
- Have the AC installed by a professional contractor: To save time and money, many contractors may stinge on properly sealing the ductwork.
- Replace the ductwork and AC system at the same time: Insulation, joint seals between segments, and other components will deteriorate over time. When the AC system is replaced, replace the ducts as well to make sure the parts are new.
- Vacuum frequently: There are many ways to ensure the air quality in your home is good and clean. Vacuuming once a week or a steam cleaning can also make a big impact.
The next time your AC turns on, think about when the last time your ducts have been looked at closely. A good cleaning will help give your home fresh air, eliminate odors, and allow people to breathe easier. Give Steam Master Cleaning a call and we’ll take care of your ducts, carpet cleaning, and more. Don’t let the San Antonio heat stop you from enjoying cool, clean air.