Pets are one of the greatest joys in our lives. With their undying affection, silly antics, and large personalities, they bring love and laughter into our homes. Unfortunately, they often also bring unpleasant odors into the home as well. If you want to get rid of your pet’s odor without getting rid of your pet, read on for some tips on combatting pet odors. Reach out anytime to learn more about how our steam cleaning services can help restore the freshness of your home. We provide professional carpet cleaning services in San Antonio and across the local area. Our steam cleaning services are backed by our 100 percent money-back guarantee.

Changing Air Filters
When your home starts to smell more like Fido and less like flowers, it might be time to change out your HVAC system’s air filters. Over time, your air filters will become laden with dander, fur, and unpleasant pet odors. Swapping out your air filters is an easy task and low cost. You should change your HVAC system’s filters every other month. Both heating and cooling systems implement the use of air filters, so familiarize yourself with your system and locate every air filter.
Keeping Your Pets Well Groomed

One of the reasons your home might become increasingly noxious is because your pets themselves are becoming increasingly smelly. Grooming your pets will help cut down not only on odors in the home, but will also cut down on dander and allergens in the air. Even the simple task of brushing your mop of a dog outdoors will cut down on how much your home smells like their fur.
Implementing Baking Soda Into Your Cleaning Routine
One of the best natural remedies for quelling displeasing odors in the home is baking soda. This natural product is affordable, effective, and safe to use in a home with pets. Sprinkle baking soda in carpeted areas where your pets frequently lounge. It can even be used on most upholstery. Always test a small, inconspicuous area of your carpet or upholstery to ensure it will not damage the material. Leave the baking soda overnight to soak up any objectionable smells. The next day, simply vacuum up the baking soda. You can also place baking soda out on your counter top to capture odors in the air.
Creating A Cleaning Schedule
When you own pets, you will need to commit to a more rigorous cleaning schedule in order to keep your home fresh and inviting. Vacuum at least three times a week. Dust, sweep, and clean down counter tops every other day. Clean your bedding a minimum of once a month.
Scheduling Professional Carpet Cleaning Services
One of the areas of your home that is most likely to absorb the odors of your pets is your carpeting. Vacuuming and the use of baking soda will help mitigate these smells, but overtime you will no longer be able to combat the odors on your own. Schedule professional carpet cleaning services to rid your home of the less than desirable pet odors lingering deep in the fibers of your carpets. At Steam Master Cleaning & Restoration we are experts in pet odor removal. Reach out today to learn more about professional carpet cleaning in San Antonio.